
Analysis of water-fuel ratio variation in a gas turbine with a wet-compressor system by change in fuel composition

The wet compressor (WC) has become a reliable way to reduce gas emissions and increase gas turbine efficiency. However, fuel source diversification in the short and medium terms presents a challenge for gas turbine operators to know how the wet compressor will respond to changes in fuel composition. For this study, we assessed the operational data of two thermal power generators, with outputs of 610 MW and 300 MW, in Colombia.

Red Nacional de Investigación e Innovación en Combustión Avanzada de Uso Industrial – INCOMBUSTION

La Universidad de Antioquia a través de los grupos de investigación GASURE y QUIREMA; la Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Sede Medellín, a través del grupo TAYEA; la Universidad del Valle, a través del grupo Ciencia y Tecnología del Carbón; el Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano, a través del grupo Materiales Avanzados y Energía, participan en la RED Nacional de Investigación e Innovación en Combustión Avanzada – INCOMBUSTION, la cual fue aprobada por Colciencias en la convocatoria púbica 543 de 2011, para promover la constitución de redes de conocimiento.

A study case of energy efficiency, energy profile, and technological gap of combustion systems in the colombian lime industry

In this work, the energy audits and evaluation of the kilns used in the calcination stage of the calcium oxide production process of two Colombian factories are shown. The energy intensity and usage distribution were evaluated, as well as the technological state of the presently used heating equipment as compared with the most advanced technology available for the calcination process.

Use of thermal energy and analysis of barriers to the implementation of thermal efficiency measures in cement production: Exploratory study in Colombia

The cement industry is one of the world’s largest energy consumers. In this work, a walk-through study of representative cement companies was carried out to characterize the energy profile of the cement industry in Colombia, with emphasis on evaluating the degree of obsolescence of the technology used in the processes, as well as identifying the main barriers that prevent the adaptation of more efficient technologies. Perception-surveys were performed among the energy managers to determine the barriers that hinder the implementation of energy efficiency measures.

Exploring Computational Methods for Predicting Pollutant Emissions and Stability Performance of Premixed Reactions Stabilized by a Low Swirl Injector

This article addresses the numerical modeling of NOx emissions and lean blowoff (LBO) limits of confined and pressurized turbulent premixed flames stabilized with a low swirl burner. The study also evaluates existing numerical methods that can be used to predict exhaust pollutant emissions and reaction instability close to the LBO limit. One of the strategies presented in the article consists of establishing a chemical reactor network (CRN), which is a simplified model of the fluid dynamics and energy balance of the system coupled with a detailed reaction mechanism.

Experimental analysis of the addition and substitution of sub-bituminous pulverized coal in a natural gas premixed flame

This paper presents the experimental results of the addition (increasing thermal power) and substitution (constant thermal power) of a sub-bituminous pulverized coal in a natural gas flame in a laboratory-scale premixed burner. The analyzed variables include radiation intensity, temperature profile, and flame shape. It was found that with the addition of 15% and 30% coal (energy based) into the natural gas flame, the radiation intensity was increased by 37% and 65%, respectively.

INCOMBUSTION: Resultados Proyecto Diagnósticos Energéticos en los Sectores Industriales Colombianos

El objetivo de este proyecto fue diagnosticar los sistemas de combustión y calentamiento de los sectores industriales con mayor intensidad térmica en las regiones Valle, Antioquía y Cundinamarca, para identificar su estado actual en cuanto eficiencia energética, productividad, emisiones contaminantes, GEI, obsolescencia y brecha tecnológica con respecto a  nuevas tendencias; así mismo identificar las principales barreras para la modernización y transferencia tecnológica, como también promover programas demostrativos en las industrias.

Experimental study of the combustion of natural gas and high-hydrogen content syngases in a radiant porous media burner

The primary objective of this work is to study the blending of natural gas in equimolar
proportions with three high hydrogen content syngases in a radiant porous media burner.
We examined the effects of the composition of the syngases, the fuel-to-air ratio and the
thermal input on the flame stability, the radiation efficiency, and the pollutant emissions
(CO and NOx). In this study, we emulated the syngases with H2eCO mixtures, in which the
H2 to CO ratio was varied between 1.5 and 3. Additionally, pure natural gas was also used as

Study of the flameless combustion mode in presence of thermal load fluctuation

 El presente estudio evaluó numérica y experimentalmente en un horno de 20 kW (a gas natural y con un factor de aireación de 1.2) la estabilidad del régimen de combustión sin llama ante la variación de la carga térmica usando diferentes flujos de aire (43 scfm, 63 scfm y 83 scfm) y una mezcla de Aire-Helio (Aire 82.02 scfm y Helio 7.06 scfm); esta última se utilizó con el fin de evaluar el comportamiento del sistema ante un incremento en el calor especifico del fluido de carga. El estudio se dividió en dos partes, una parte numérica y otra experimental.
